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688 Sixth Avenue - Ladies' Mile Historic District, Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to legalize numerous violations.

WHEREAS, 688 Sixth Avenue is a three story building located on the southeast corner of Sixth Avenue and West 22nd Street; and

WHEREAS, The buff colored, commercial-styled brick façade installed in 1915 unifies five formerly residential dwellings constructed in 1862; and

WHEREAS, There have been numerous tenant alterations to the façade over the years in violation of LPC rules, and there are now four commercial/retail establishments in the building; and

WHEREAS, The owner and two tenants wish to legalize the violations by seeking a certificate of appropriateness from the LPC for work done without a permit; and

WHEREAS, Some of the façade alterations / violations no longer exist, the current conditions include (but are not limited to):

WHEREAS, The applicant's proposal for legalizing the violations is to simply list them and graphically depict them on an architectural drawing with any regard to their appropriateness to the District or historic photographs; and

WHEREAS, The signage is extremely overwhelming, cacophonous, and hides some of the architectural features of the building, the storefront infills are poorly designed without any concern for the balance of the building or its historic fabric, and appurtenances are not harmonious to the District; and

WHEREAS, The elements constituting the violations cannot be deemed appropriate and therefore cannot be legalized as is; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to legalize any of the outstanding violations; be it further

RESOLVED, Community Board Five strongly recommended that the applicant consider re-applying with a Master Plan to be followed by current and future tenants.

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