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Presentation of new sculpture for Park Avenue, part of NYC Parks' Public Art Program

WHEREAS, The New York City Parks Public Art Program, in conjunction with the Paul Kasmin Gallery proposes to install a collection of six large scale sculptures by the renowned French sculptors Claude & François-Xavier Lalanne on the Park Avenue malls between East 52nd and East 57th Streets from September 13 through November 20, 2009; and

WHEREAS, The proposed sculpture exhibition will include Pomme de New York, a giant golden apple by Claude Lalanne;  Moutons, a life-size flock of sheep and lambs crafted from epoxy and bronze; and Singe Avisé (Très Grand), the late François-Xavier Lalanne’s last sculpture; and

WHEREAS, The City of New York Parks & Recreation Department will require that the gallery pay for installation and removal costs, including any needed repair of the malls; and

WHEREAS, The installation and removal of the sculpture will abide by Department of Transportation regulations; and

WHEREAS, Quality public sculpture is a welcome addition to the City's cultural landscape; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for the exhibit of Claude & François-Xavier Lalanne sculpture collection on the Park Avenue Malls from 9/13-11/20, 2009.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 35 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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