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Parks & Public Spaces

NYC Parks & Recreation Public Art Program, proposal for temporary sculpture by Dennis Oppenheim entitled “Tumbling Mirage” on the Union Square Triangle

WHEREAS, The NYC Parks and Recreation Public Arts Program has proposed to place a sculpture entitled "Tumbling Mirage" by sculptor Dennis Oppenheim on the Union Square Triangle; and

WHEREAS, The sculpture consists of three-multicolor, 12 foot diameter orbs of metal and fiberglass anchored in place;


WHEREAS, A scale plan was prepared to show that the sculpture of this size can be accommodated, and

WHEREAS, This area of the park has successfully accommodated previous sculptural installations that were approved by Community Board Five; and

WHEREAS, This is a temporary exhibit to occur between May and September 2008; and

WHEREAS, This is not an "interactive" type of installation; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five Parks committee recommends approval for the temporary placement of this sculpture by Dennis Oppenheim on the Union Square Triangle from May to September 2008.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 32 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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