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Manhattan Community Board Five

Request To Extend the “No Standing” sign 107 feet, to cover the entire property curb frontage in front of 9 West 31st Street, between 5th Avenue and Broadway

WHEREAS, The owner of an apartment building at 9 West 31st has requested that the Department of Transportation extend a current No Standing Zone, which covers 48 feet of the property frontage, for an additional 107 feet, to cover the entire property curb frontage; and

WHEREAS, The existing signage in this portion of the north side of West 31st is confusing as there is no clear indication what the existing parking regulations are for this portion of the street; and

WHEREAS, The lack of signage encourages non-commercial vehicles to park in the area while at the same time traffic enforcement officers routinely treat this portion of the block as if it were a part of a No Standing Zone and ticket non-commercial vehicles parked there; and

WHEREAS, West 31st in this area is a major East to West traffic artery and a No Standing Zone is appropriate for the entire block; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Board recommends that the Department of Transportation Extend the existing No Standing Zone to the entire curb frontage of 9 West 31st Street.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 29 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.

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